Product Name | Bungee Kurdun bil-ganċijiet |
Dijametru | 6mm |
Tul | 30cm ,50cm ,80cm, as on. |
Materjal tal-Ħabel | PP flimkien ma 'Gomma |
Kulur | Vjola |
Tip ta' Ganċ | Steel Hooks |
• Our bungee cords are made of rubber and polypropylene fibers, it is abrasion resistant for long life.
• Each end of the bungee cord is equipped with coated hooks to keep items from rusting. In addition, the smooth ends of the hooks prevent scratches caused by sharp surfaces.
• The purple elastic band is super stretchy, and the double hook design is flexible and easy to use, can be used alone or hooked together to achieve your desired length.
• Elastic design with hook for easier fixing and tightening of items. Also convenient for storage when not in use, you can simply place the bungee cord in your home, office, vehicle, garage, bag, etc.
Mistoqsija: Dawn fejn isiru?
Tweġiba: iċ-Ċina
Mistoqsija: Dan huwa t-tul li jiġġebbed jew dak li huma qabel ma tistirahom?
Tweġiba: Huwa It-tul mhux stirat.
Mistoqsija: Il-metall jew il-plastik tal-ganċ?
Tweġiba: Huma ganċijiet tal-metall.
It-tags Popolari: Korda bungee b'dijametru ta '6mm b'ganċ għal barra, rack tal-bagalji, ikkampjar, tinda, merkanzija, Ċina, fabbrika, manifatturi, fornituri, bl-ingrossa, jixtru, irħas