Product Name | Bungee Kurdun bil-ganċijiet |
Dijametru | 8mm |
Tul | 50cm ,80cm ,100cm, as on. |
Materjal tal-Ħabel | PP flimkien ma 'Gomma |
Kulur | Blu |
Tip ta' Ganċ | Steel Hooks |
• Each end of the rope has a sturdy metal hook for a secure hold.
• Made of rubber, this bungee cord has excellent abrasion, moisture, and oil resistance.
• Bungee cords are also known as shock cords and bungee cords. It is suitable for car, tie-down, camping, racking, garage, home, tie-down, and yard work.
NOTE: Keep vulnerable body parts away from potential rebound paths, and do not stretch the rope more than 50 percent of its unstretched length. Be careful securing the hook, don't use the tip to secure the hook!
Question: What is the diameter?
Answer: It's 1/3 inch (80mm)
Mistoqsija: Il-metall jew il-plastik tal-ganċ?
Tweġiba: Huma ganċijiet tal-metall.
Question: I am trying to find a bungee cord that stretches 40 plus " to secure the tarp covering my truck. Is this long enough?
Answer: Yes, it's long enough, it can be stretched to 50 percent of its unstretched length.
Jekk inti interessat fil-kurduni bungee tagħna b'ganċijiet, ċineg heavy duty għal roti, tie downs, karozzi tal-ikkampjar, blu, merħba tixtri jew tbiegħ bl-ingrossa l-prodotti ta 'kwalità mal-fabbrika tagħna. Magħruf bħala wieħed mill-manifatturi u fornituri ewlenin fiċ-Ċina, aħna dejjem għas-servizz tiegħek. U l-prezz irħas u servizz sodisfaċenti huma disponibbli,
It-tags Popolari: kordi bungee b'ganċijiet, ċineg heavy duty għal roti, tie downs, ikkampjar karozzi, blu, Ċina, fabbrika, manifatturi, fornituri, bl-ingrossa, jixtru, irħas